Predicting the Premier League with Dixon-Coles
In this post, I’m going to walk through one way of predicting the rest of the Premier League season with regista’s implementation of the Dixon-Coles model. I am going to demonstrate one method of using Monte Carlo simulation to predict various outcomes in the Premier League season.
In practice, this just means:
- Predicting the unplayed games,
- Sampling from those individual game predictions over and over again (“simulating” the rest of the season)
- Aggregate simulated games to get outcome probabilities
If the Dixon-Coles model is new to you, there are some previous explorations of the model on this site, and the original paper is very approachable.
Fetch the data
I’ll be using the data provided by
To do this I have created a (very) minimal R package for downloading the data from the site, called footballdatr.
You can install it from github like so:
devtools::install_github("torvaney/footballdatr") |
It’s still very early, and so probably (definitely) has some bugs. If you do find anything, please don’t hesitate to let me know on twitter or on GitHub.
Nonetheless, we can use this to get the data for the 2018/19 English Premier League season.
library(tidyverse) |
## # A tibble: 200 x 23
## competition date home away hgoal agoal result hgoal_ht agoal_ht
## <chr> <date> <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 E0 2018-08-10 Man … Leic… 2 1 H 1 0
## 2 E0 2018-08-11 Bour… Card… 2 0 H 1 0
## 3 E0 2018-08-11 Fulh… Crys… 0 2 A 0 1
## 4 E0 2018-08-11 Hudd… Chel… 0 3 A 0 2
## 5 E0 2018-08-11 Newc… Tott… 1 2 A 1 2
## 6 E0 2018-08-11 Watf… Brig… 2 0 H 1 0
## 7 E0 2018-08-11 Wolv… Ever… 2 2 D 1 1
## 8 E0 2018-08-12 Arse… Man … 0 2 A 0 1
## 9 E0 2018-08-12 Live… West… 4 0 H 2 0
## 10 E0 2018-08-12 Sout… Burn… 0 0 D 0 0
## # ... with 190 more rows, and 14 more variables: result_ht <chr>,
## # hshot <int>, ashot <int>, hshot_on_target <int>,
## # ashot_on_target <int>, hfoul <int>, afoul <int>, hcorner <int>,
## # acorner <int>, hyellow <int>, ayellow <int>, hred <int>, ared <int>,
## # closing_odds <list>
Predict the unplayed games
Work out the unplayed games
Fortunately, the Premier League’s schedule is relatively straightforward. Each team plays every other team at home and away. There are no playoffs, league splits or whatever they do in Belgium.
This means that we can find the unplayed games pretty easily. We can just take all combinations of teams, and filter out ones that have been played, or that feature a team playing itself.
teams <- factor(levels(data$home), levels = levels(data$home)) |
## # A tibble: 180 x 2
## home away
## <fct> <fct>
## 1 Man United Watford
## 2 Man United Liverpool
## 3 Man United Southampton
## 4 Man United Cardiff
## 5 Man United Chelsea
## 6 Man United West Ham
## 7 Man United Brighton
## 8 Man United Burnley
## 9 Man United Man City
## 10 Bournemouth Fulham
## # ... with 170 more rows
Make predictions for those unplayed games
First, we have to fit a model that we can use to estimate how good each team is, and the effect of home advantage.
We can do this with regista’s implementation of the Dixon-Coles model. For the purposes of this post, we will just fit the model on the games played so far this season. However, a more comprehensive model may include matches from previous seasons, time-discounting, or even expected goals.
model <- dixoncoles(hgoal, agoal, home, away, data = data) |
## Dixon-Coles model with specification:
## Home goals: hgoal ~ off(home) + def(away) + hfa + 0
## Away goals: agoal ~ off(away) + def(home) + 0
## Weights : 1
We can sense-check the model by looking at the team attack and defence parameters:
team_parameters <- |
It’s tempting to just calculate the match outcome (Home win/Draw/Away win) probabilities and go from there. It’s pretty easy to do with regista as well:
match_probabilities <- |
## # A tibble: 180 x 5
## home away away_win draw home_win
## <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Man United Watford 0.232 0.220 0.549
## 2 Man United Liverpool 0.770 0.165 0.0659
## 3 Man United Southampton 0.124 0.166 0.710
## 4 Man United Cardiff 0.0976 0.153 0.749
## 5 Man United Chelsea 0.522 0.239 0.240
## 6 Man United West Ham 0.208 0.209 0.582
## 7 Man United Brighton 0.201 0.236 0.562
## 8 Man United Burnley 0.0843 0.136 0.780
## 9 Man United Man City 0.676 0.177 0.147
## 10 Bournemouth Fulham 0.152 0.206 0.642
## # ... with 170 more rows
This is enough to simulate match outcomes, and points scored. However, in cases where point totals at the end of the season are equal, we need goal-difference too.
Fortunately, this is something the Dixon-Coles model can handle. We can predict the probability of each scoreline for the unplayed games.
unplayed_scorelines <- |
## # A tibble: 19,563 x 5
## home away hgoal agoal prob
## <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 Man United Watford 0 0 0.0348
## 2 Man United Watford 1 0 0.0468
## 3 Man United Watford 2 0 0.0634
## 4 Man United Watford 3 0 0.0475
## 5 Man United Watford 4 0 0.0267
## 6 Man United Watford 5 0 0.0120
## 7 Man United Watford 6 0 0.00448
## 8 Man United Watford 7 0 0.00144
## 9 Man United Watford 8 0 0.000404
## 10 Man United Watford 9 0 0.000101
## # ... with 19,553 more rows
Simulate the rest of the season
Join played game and unplayed games
There’s an added benefit to looking at the unplayed games like as scoreline-probabilities. We can look at the played games in exactly the same way. Any game that has already been played is simply a game where there is a single scoreline with 100% probability. This simplifies our simulation step, since we can treat both played and unplayed games the same.
played_scorelines <- |
## # A tibble: 19,763 x 5
## home away hgoal agoal prob
## <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 Man United Leicester 2 1 1
## 2 Bournemouth Cardiff 2 0 1
## 3 Fulham Crystal Palace 0 2 1
## 4 Huddersfield Chelsea 0 3 1
## 5 Newcastle Tottenham 1 2 1
## 6 Watford Brighton 2 0 1
## 7 Wolves Everton 2 2 1
## 8 Arsenal Man City 0 2 1
## 9 Liverpool West Ham 4 0 1
## 10 Southampton Burnley 0 0 1
## # ... with 19,753 more rows
Simulate games by Monte Carlo
We can simulate the result of each game by picking a potential scoreline at random, where each pick is weighted by the estimated probability.
This gives us a single instance of a simulated season. We can repeat this over and over again to estimate the overall season probabilities. This is the Monte Carlo method of simulation.
simulate_season <- function(scoreline_probabilities) { |
## # A tibble: 5 x 5
## home away hgoal agoal prob
## <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 Bournemouth Liverpool 0 4 1
## 2 West Ham Arsenal 2 1 0.0610
## 3 Newcastle Everton 0 2 0.0987
## 4 Liverpool Watford 4 0 0.0959
## 5 Wolves Liverpool 0 2 1
There are a few flawed assumptions being made in this simulation. I think it’s worth acknowledging a couple of them quickly:
- There’s no accounting for the possibility team-strengths changing
- From transfers
- From injuries
- Coaching changes
- etc
- There’s no accounting for motivation effects towards the end of the season
- Teams with nothing to play for are less likely to perform as well as others
These kinds of sources of model error should be considered when evaluating the model’s predictions, and when thinking about how you might improve the simulation method.
Calculating the league table
We care much more about overall table outcomes (Champion, Relegation, Top 4) than we do about individual results. So we need a way to calculate the table from a set of games:
calculate_table <- function(games) { |
We can check that this works as expected by checking the current table:
calculate_table(data) |
## # A tibble: 20 x 9
## team w d l gf ga gd points position
## <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Liverpool 17 3 0 48 8 40 54 1
## 2 Man City 15 2 3 54 16 38 47 2
## 3 Tottenham 15 0 5 43 21 22 45 3
## 4 Chelsea 13 4 3 38 16 22 43 4
## 5 Arsenal 11 5 4 42 30 12 38 5
## 6 Man United 10 5 5 41 32 9 35 6
## 7 Wolves 8 5 7 23 23 0 29 7
## 8 Leicester 8 4 8 24 23 1 28 8
## 9 Watford 8 4 8 27 28 -1 28 9
## 10 Everton 7 6 7 31 30 1 27 10
## 11 West Ham 8 3 9 27 30 -3 27 11
## 12 Bournemouth 8 2 10 28 37 -9 26 12
## 13 Brighton 7 4 9 22 27 -5 25 13
## 14 Crystal Palace 5 4 11 17 26 -9 19 14
## 15 Newcastle 4 6 10 15 27 -12 18 15
## 16 Cardiff 5 3 12 19 38 -19 18 16
## 17 Southampton 3 6 11 21 38 -17 15 17
## 18 Burnley 4 3 13 19 41 -22 15 18
## 19 Fulham 3 5 12 18 43 -25 14 19
## 20 Huddersfield 2 4 14 12 35 -23 10 20
Which also works on the simulated table:
calculate_table(single_simulation) |
## # A tibble: 20 x 9
## team w d l gf ga gd points position
## <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Liverpool 32 6 0 102 10 92 102 1
## 2 Man City 28 5 5 97 31 66 89 2
## 3 Tottenham 27 5 6 83 36 47 86 3
## 4 Chelsea 25 4 9 69 33 36 79 4
## 5 Arsenal 22 7 9 84 54 30 73 5
## 6 Man United 18 6 14 75 65 10 60 6
## 7 Everton 13 13 12 52 50 2 52 7
## 8 Leicester 14 9 15 41 47 -6 51 8
## 9 Wolves 14 7 17 41 43 -2 49 9
## 10 Bournemouth 12 10 16 55 65 -10 46 10
## 11 West Ham 13 7 18 52 62 -10 46 11
## 12 Brighton 12 10 16 40 51 -11 46 12
## 13 Cardiff 14 4 20 48 68 -20 46 13
## 14 Watford 12 9 17 48 56 -8 45 14
## 15 Newcastle 12 8 18 32 53 -21 44 15
## 16 Crystal Palace 10 9 19 31 51 -20 39 16
## 17 Southampton 9 9 20 42 71 -29 36 17
## 18 Fulham 7 7 24 32 86 -54 28 18
## 19 Burnley 6 8 24 30 78 -48 26 19
## 20 Huddersfield 4 9 25 24 68 -44 21 20
Running the simulations
Now we have everything we need to generate as many simulated league tables as we want.
n_simulations <- 1000 |
## # A tibble: 20,000 x 10
## simulation_id team w d l gf ga gd points position
## <chr> <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int>
## 1 1 Liver… 35 3 0 96 12 84 108 1
## 2 1 Man C… 27 6 5 101 32 69 87 2
## 3 1 Totte… 26 4 8 94 48 46 82 3
## 4 1 Chels… 21 9 8 67 31 36 72 4
## 5 1 Arsen… 22 5 11 82 61 21 71 5
## 6 1 Man U… 20 9 9 82 58 24 69 6
## 7 1 Leice… 18 8 12 52 43 9 62 7
## 8 1 Evert… 13 13 12 62 63 -1 52 8
## 9 1 Wolves 13 12 13 45 46 -1 51 9
## 10 1 West … 15 6 17 55 66 -11 51 10
## # ... with 19,990 more rows
With the results in hand, we can move onto the fun parts. That is, sifting through our model’s predictions of the future.
Position probabilities
n_teams <- length(teams) |
It turns out the model is extremely bullish on Liverpool’s chances of winning the league:
simulated_tables %>% |
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## team p_win
## <fct> <dbl>
## 1 Liverpool 0.948
## 2 Man City 0.052
I think this is partly a reflection of the flaws in the simulation method. However, I think a bigger factor is using goals as our only input to team strength. As we know, the table does sometimes lie, and sometimes goals can deceive, too.
Both of these factors result in Liverpool’s chances being overestimated by the model. For comparison, the betting market has Liverpool at around 60% to win the league at the time of writing.
At the other end of the table, things are a bit more interesting; although Huddersfield and Fulham don’t look great.
simulated_tables %>% |
## # A tibble: 7 x 2
## team p_rel
## <fct> <dbl>
## 1 Huddersfield 0.981
## 2 Fulham 0.866
## 3 Burnley 0.569
## 4 Cardiff 0.24
## 5 Southampton 0.21
## 6 Newcastle 0.12
## 7 Crystal Palace 0.014
We can look at the race for the Champion’s League, too:
simulated_tables %>% |
## # A tibble: 5 x 2
## team p_top4
## <fct> <dbl>
## 1 Liverpool 1
## 2 Man City 0.998
## 3 Tottenham 0.944
## 4 Chelsea 0.872
## 5 Arsenal 0.178
Points totals
simulated_tables %>% |
The model even seems to think that Liverpool’s chances of breaking 100 points are pretty good:
simulated_tables %>% |
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## team p
## <fct> <dbl>
## 1 Liverpool 0.545
And even that they’ve got a solid chance of going unbeaten!
simulated_tables %>% |
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## team p
## <fct> <dbl>
## 1 Liverpool 0.386
This is one simple way of getting season-level predictions from a simple match-level model, using a relatively small amount of new code. Being able to quickly generate and investigate predictions is an important part of the data exploration process. Having both game and season-level views onto your model’s predictions, allows for increased insight into a model’s shortcomings and how it might be improved.
There are a few simple extensions to this analysis that could be nice jumping off points for improving the model.
- Time-discount factor
- What do the predictions look like if you incorporate more data from the past, with a time-discounting factor? (See the
argument toregista::dixoncoles
- What do the predictions look like if you incorporate more data from the past, with a time-discounting factor? (See the
- Other leagues
- How does this analysis look when you try other leagues avaliable from (Hint: change the first code chunk and try re-running the notebook)
- xG/Dixon-Coles
- How do the predictions look when you estimate team strength from xG rather than just goals? (See Dixon Coles and xG: together at last.)